Wednesday, November 20, 2019

You can-cer vive

Darren is LIVING with cancer - choosing to survive & live every day!
How does he do it?
1. He does NOT let cancer define him. The term "cancer survivor" does not apply to him. He does not just "survive" he "thrives".
2. He wakes up every single morning with the most incredible attitude! It's not that he doesn't think about having cancer everyday, but he chooses to make it a great day!
3. When he is having an off day (forgets why he's in a certain room or what he's supposed to be doing or puts toothpaste in his hair instead of hair gel...happens a lot)...he laughs.
4. He eats healthy (80% of the time) and works out.
5. And most importantly, he laughs out loud EVERYDAY (sometimes all day).When something bad happens, you have three choices: Let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you. Choose to let it strengthen you! What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to WHAT LIES WITHIN US. And when you bring what is WITHIN out into the world, MIRACLES HAPPEN.“
For more on Darrens tips & advice for the care taker:

Your friends & coaches
Jen & Darren Delvaux

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