It’s easy to think of one thing you’re grateful for each day, right?? But what if you had to come up with something that hasn't been so fun, a difficult time or a struggle, but you are grateful for it because of what you have learned. Could you do it??
Heres mine:
I'm grateful for the HUGE lesson Darren and I learned when he was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009... We learned life can be short and can be changed in a split second!! And can still be a total roller coaster at times🙈! Honestly, before his diagnosis we were just getting by.. Not anymore! We live everyday to the fullest! We push harder in ALL areas of our life so we can fulfill each and everyone of our dreams!!!! We laugh, we love and we enjoy all the moments. We’ve even learned to find joy in the middle of a struggle!! Tonight is Day 1 of 5 of chemo. I know this week we’ll have a little more down time. We’ll watch movies that make us laugh & focus on what we can control, which is our attitudes.
I would LOVE to know yours!! What lesson in life are you grateful for? If you are struggling with cancer or a loved one is, or you are a care taker, please join our support group here.
Your friends,
Jen & Darren Delvaux
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