My top 4 tips to stay on track with my nutrition and work outs
️ ESPECIALLY over the holidays
I know people expect some profound answer since I’m an online health influencer, but guess what?! Its nothing crazy... it’s simple enough that YOU can do it too it you truly want to!
Tip # 1️⃣: Find an eating plan that is easy enough to follow that it doesn’t take a ton of prep work to figure it out + allows for some wiggle room so you can still ENJOY the holidays without feeling deprived... But have a bit of structure so you don’t go overboard on the cookies
and holidays favs 
Tip # 2️⃣ set aside time on Sun and Weds to meal prep your meals for the following days. Meal prepping doesn’t have to take forever and it doesn’t have to be making gourmet meals. I like to keep it simple & cook up things I can grab quickly, like gluten free unprocessed carbs such as sliced sweet potatoes that I bake in the oven, quinoa, and cooked up ground turkey and chicken for quick protein sources. I also like to wash and portion out my vegetables and fruits
Tip # 3️⃣ find an exercise routine you actually ENJOY doing that will keep you excited about your exercise routine through the holiday months. I loooove that I can stream my work outs from any device
and never get bored of what I’m doing because all different kinds of plans are on there- dancing, cardio, strength, yoga, etc.
Tip # 4️⃣ find an accountability partner who has similar goals as you during this season! Someone who wants to stay on track too and will call you out if you start backing out of your goals
Can’t find one?! I’m always available to be yours!! Just gotta ask
🏻Check out my 12 days of FITMAS (a *free* group, so you can get a sneak peek into what I do as a health influencer...and gain some awesome recipes, accountability, and fun as we approach the new year).
Don’t let this season be your reason for stopping your health goals/falling off or even getting started on one. There’s still over a month and left in 2019! For those WILLING to put in the work... A LOT can happen in the time left in this year. I’ve surrounded myself with people who want to finish 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ with a BANG! Did you!?
Your friend & coach,