Monday, November 25, 2019

4 tips to stay on track this holiday season!

My top 4 tips to stay on track with my nutrition and work outs 🍎 🏋️‍ ESPECIALLY over the holidays ❄️ 🎄...

I know people expect some profound answer since I’m an online health influencer, but guess what?! Its nothing crazy... it’s simple enough that YOU can do it too it you truly want to!

Tip # 1️⃣: Find an eating plan that is easy enough to follow that it doesn’t take a ton of prep work to figure it out + allows for some wiggle room so you can still ENJOY the holidays without feeling deprived... But have a bit of structure so you don’t go overboard on the cookies 🍪 and holidays favs 😋

Tip # 2️⃣ set aside time on Sun and Weds to meal prep your meals for the following days. Meal prepping doesn’t have to take forever and it doesn’t have to be making gourmet meals. I like to keep it simple & cook up things I can grab quickly, like gluten free unprocessed carbs such as sliced sweet potatoes that I bake in the oven, quinoa, and cooked up ground turkey and chicken for quick protein sources. I also like to wash and portion out my vegetables and fruits 🍉 .

Tip # 3️⃣ find an exercise routine you actually ENJOY doing that will keep you excited about your exercise routine through the holiday months. I loooove that I can stream my work outs from any device 📱 📺 💻 and never get bored of what I’m doing because all different kinds of plans are on there- dancing, cardio, strength, yoga, etc.

Tip # 4️⃣ find an accountability partner who has similar goals as you during this season! Someone who wants to stay on track too and will call you out if you start backing out of your goals 📣 Can’t find one?! I’m always available to be yours!! Just gotta ask 👌🏻Check out my 12 days of FITMAS (a *free* group, so you can get a sneak peek into what I do as a health influencer...and gain some awesome recipes, accountability, and fun as we approach the new year).

Don’t let this season be your reason for stopping your health goals/falling off or even getting started on one. There’s still over a month and left in 2019! For those WILLING to put in the work... A LOT can happen in the time left in this year. I’ve surrounded myself with people who want to finish 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ with a BANG! Did you!?

Your friend & coach,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

You can-cer vive

Darren is LIVING with cancer - choosing to survive & live every day!
How does he do it?
1. He does NOT let cancer define him. The term "cancer survivor" does not apply to him. He does not just "survive" he "thrives".
2. He wakes up every single morning with the most incredible attitude! It's not that he doesn't think about having cancer everyday, but he chooses to make it a great day!
3. When he is having an off day (forgets why he's in a certain room or what he's supposed to be doing or puts toothpaste in his hair instead of hair gel...happens a lot)...he laughs.
4. He eats healthy (80% of the time) and works out.
5. And most importantly, he laughs out loud EVERYDAY (sometimes all day).When something bad happens, you have three choices: Let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you. Choose to let it strengthen you! What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to WHAT LIES WITHIN US. And when you bring what is WITHIN out into the world, MIRACLES HAPPEN.“
For more on Darrens tips & advice for the care taker:

Your friends & coaches
Jen & Darren Delvaux

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

All your questions answered!

We have a new episode for you!! This one you may laugh a bit! I’m interviewing Darren with the questions that you all asked!! The part where he asks who he would want to meet is hilarious!! Full episode link is in the comments!👌🏻
Who’s on your bucket list to meet?

Listen here!

Your friends and coaches
Darren & Jen Delvaux

Monday, November 18, 2019

Juicing benefits!

Juicing (the process of separating the juice from the pulp of fruits, vegetables and plant foods) is a great way to prevent cancer as well as enhance your cancer treatment.If you are in active treatment, are having chewing, swallowing, or digestive problems, or are struggling with excess weight loss due to cancer and it's treatment, juicing may be a good option for getting valuable nutrients into your body. Juicing extracts the liquid from the fruits and vegetables and leaves the pulp behind. This is important as it aids in the digestion of the nutrients and enzymes without requiring large amounts of energy to aid in digestion. This reserves the body’s energy for healing.

Other benefits of juicing for cancer is that it helps the body become more alkaline which research has shown is beneficial to cancer patients. It also facilitates in hydration, reducing inflammation, and eliminating toxins. Some fruits and vegetables have a cleansing action on the liver and aid in releasing bile while others are powerful detoxifiers and fight free radicals.

Do you have a juicer or do you prefer to go someplace? Do you have a favorite recipe?
Would love to hear your thoughts!  Join our support group today & let's connect! *And our favorite juicer, the Breville, is INCREDIBLE! Check it out/purchase HERE.

Your friends,

Thursday, November 14, 2019

LIVING with cancer: Staying positive & present

LIVING with cancer is a challenge, especially with how much it changes your life!
In this episode, we talk about not letting those changes alter who you are. We go over what challenges and changes we have faced and how we are able to work through them to find a more joyful & fulfilling lifestyle.
We also give YOU the ways to be more positive and present with each day - and tips on how to get the right support, even advocating for yourself!
As always, we would be so appreciative if you took a listen and let us know your thoughts!! And, what challenges have you faced with LIVING with cancer? How have you overcome any obstacles?

And don't forget to get our free downloadable on tips and advice for LIVING with cancer.

Your friends and coaches
Jen & Darren Delvaux

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

LIVING with cancer: sugar's effect on cancer

You are sweet enough! ⁣

By now you’ve heard time and again how bad sugar is for you. It’s been linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes—and now also cancer. According to a study done at the @mdanderson, high amounts of sugar in today’s diets may increase the risk of breast cancer. The main culprit appeared to be fructose, as it exacerbated the inflammatory process. ⁣

Needing something sweet? Stick to natural sugar found in fruit and avoid sugar-sweetened beverages, tabletop sweeteners, candy, and desserts. Or, have a piece of dark chocolate (ideally 70% or higher). ⁣

Fun fact, A research study conducted at the University of California in San Francisco showed that chocolate that’s greater than 70 percent cacao can activate the body’s stem cells!!

Are you in my LIVING with cancer support group??? Join NOW!

Your friends and coaches,
Jen & Darren Delvaux

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

LIVING with cancer: CBD oil & cancer treatment

What are your thoughts on CBD oil?? Do you use it? Or do you still have a lot of questions??
Well, we’ve got good news!! Our recent Episode on our podcast, Mr Worldwide & His Bride (you’re listening, right?? Link below if you need it!) has everything you need to know!! In fact, there’s a google doc below, fill it out (I do not sell your email nor do I send you unwanted emails) and I will send you all the benefits of CBD, unravel the myths, and dive deeper into all the ways you can use it! 👌🏻 
There’s some benefits that might surprise you, like it did me!! I would love to hear if you’ve had success with it!! Or if you have anything to add!!

Your friends,
Jen & Darren Delvaux

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Monday, November 11, 2019

LIVING with cancer: yoga for those with cancer benefits

According to the American Cancer Society, patients who practice yoga says it leads to a state of physical health, relaxation, happiness, and peace. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Some evidence shows that yoga can lower stress, increase strength, and lessen lower back pain while providing exercise. 🧘🏼‍♀️ A report from the National Institute of Health, suggests yoga may be helpful when used alongside conventional medical treatment to relieve some of the symptoms linked to cancer.
Workouts are beneficial to our health (physically and mentally) on many levels. Are you working out? What’s your workout of choice?
#workoutmotivation #yoga #yogaposes #yogaforhealth

Your friends,

Friday, November 8, 2019

LIVING with cancer: being thankful for cancer???

It’s easy to think of one thing you’re grateful for each day, right?? But what if you had to come up with something that hasn't been so fun, a difficult time or a struggle, but you are grateful for it because of what you have learned. Could you do it??⁣⁣
Heres mine:⁣⁣
I'm grateful for the HUGE lesson Darren and I learned when he was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009... We learned life can be short and can be changed in a split second!! And can still be a total roller coaster at times🙈! Honestly, before his diagnosis we were just getting by.. Not anymore! We live everyday to the fullest! We push harder in ALL areas of our life so we can fulfill each and everyone of our dreams!!!! We laugh, we love and we enjoy all the moments. We’ve even learned to find joy in the middle of a struggle!! Tonight is Day 1 of 5 of chemo. I know this week we’ll have a little more down time. We’ll watch movies that make us laugh & focus on what we can control, which is our attitudes.⁣⁣
I would LOVE to know yours!! What lesson in life are you grateful for?  If you are struggling with cancer or a loved one is, or you are a care taker, please join our support group here.

Your friends,
Jen & Darren Delvaux

Thursday, November 7, 2019

LIVING with cancer: advice for the care-taker

Being responsible for the care of a family member or friend can be exhausting. If adequate attention isn't given to self care, can lead to compassion fatigue and burnout. So, what can caregivers do to care for themselves while they care for others? Despite the importance of self care, many people put their own needs on the back burner while caring for a loved one with cancer. Neglecting your own health, however, is not only harmful to you, but reduces your ability to be the best caregiver possible!⁣

Remember, when your needs are taken care of, the person you care for will benefit, too. It is crucial that caregivers take steps to take care of themselves. ⁣

My top 5 things you should do for yourself as the caregiver:⁣
1. Exercise. You may think that you don’t have the time or the energy to exercise every day, but the truth is that your body needs to move for at least ten minutes every day. Exercising for just 10 minutes a day will improve your physical health, energy levels, and mental health as well. The more movement you can include in your daily doings, the better the results are for your health and overall well-being.⁣
2. Eat right. Ask friends to bring healthy & nutritious meals that you can freeze and heat up in the future. Eat fresh fruits & vegetables, add good fats into your diet, and stick with lean proteins. Increase your water intake, too. ⁣
3. Get sufficient sleep. Sleep is extremely important for the brain & body. While it’s important to get as much sleep as you can overnight, don’t miss out the opportunity of naps during the day. There is no denying the fact that caregiving can be very exhausting and in order to give good care you need to take naps when you can. ⁣
4. Visit Nature. Simply going outside can refresh you enough so that you can stay focused, calm and more centered. And if you are one of those caregivers who have pets around, try spending time with them regularly. Spending time with pets can do wonders for stress management and mental health.⁣
5. Treat yourself. Everyone needs to recharge and take time out for themselves. This practice can help you get refreshed and rejuvenated, when you come back as a caregiver again.

For more on caretaker tips as well as Darren's top tips for LIVING with cancer, fill this out to get our free downloadable eBook:

Your friend & coach,
Jen Delvaux

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

LIVING with cancer: mindset matters!

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? 🐢 🐇
The 🐇was so certain that he would win the race that he sat down and went to sleep.

The 🐢 just plodded on and kept going, always thinking that he had a chance of winning. When the hare woke, he started running as fast as he could, but he was just too late: the 🐢 had won. 🏆
The 🐢 had a positive mindset. He believed that he needed to work hard and keep going if he was to win. He was also not afraid of failure or he would never have agreed to race the hare. Yes, hard work, effort, and persistence are all important, but not as important as having that underlying belief that you are in control of your own destiny.
Your mindset is everything.

Your mindset will determine whether you will be committed to achieving your goals when things get tough, as we all know they will, because no human goes through life without huge challenges.
For more on our mindset tips & caregiving advice for those with cancer:

Your friends and coach,
Jen & Darren Delvaux

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

LIVING with cancer: dealing with the new normal.

How do/did you talk to your kids about your (your loved ones) cancer diagnosis? It is tough enough to process and even talk to one another, as adults, about….so how do you talk to your children about it?⁣

I remember growing up and watching #mrrogersneighborhood regularly, anyone else? His lessons taught so many wonderful things and he really covered some tough topics. So, I’m turning to some of his lessons to share some thoughts on this topic.⁣

Mr. Rogers said, "Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone."⁣
Our latest podcast, Mr. Worldwide & his bride, we talk about cancer and how much it changes your life. We go over the new normal of facing this diagnosis and challenges along with it. We would be honored if you took a listen! Our podcast covers all kinds of things cancer - and us LIVING with cancer.

Your friends & coaches

For our top cancer tips free download:

Monday, November 4, 2019

LIVING with cancer

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." - Elizabeth Kubler Ross⁣

I think the focus of the quote is not just any person who makes it through a hard difficult time, but those that do so - or are doing so - and then continue to be a positive force in the world. ⁣

Cancer can rob us of many things. Our health, our finances, our hair, a limb, etc. It can be absolutely destructive and ugly. BUT, you have the power to turn something so horrifically ugly into something beautiful. How powerful is that? How powerful are YOU? How beautiful you are!

Our newest podcast episode is up - deep and powerful questions like "how long do I have to live" and more are covered! I'd be honored if you took a listen!

Your friends & coaches
Jen & Darren Delvaux

Get our FREE downloadable book with our top caregiver tips and advice for LIVING with cancer: