Wait a second.... Where in the heck did January go??? Did that not go by sooooo incredibly fast?? Or is it just me?
But I am REAL excited about a new fresh month!!
Do you plan out your goals each month??
I do!! And freaking love it!!
Here are some tips for you if you want to join me!!
1. Decide on your months focus/plan. What areas of your life will you be focusing on? What makes the most sense for you now?
2. Make your goals SMART. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Time-bound
3. Create actions & prioritize. This is where I see people make the biggest mistake. They write down their goals & then walk away. You MUST take ACTION. I freaking love the @pushjournal because I’m doing 3 small tasks each day that are helping me achieve my goal!!
4. Calendar it ASAP - pencil in the Action steps
5. Plan your party!! Decide how you’re going to celebrate your wins. Put it in your calendar.
6. Take action NOW!! Do one tiny thing!! Anything! 🙌🏻
Let’s do this!! 👏🏻👊🏻
BONUS idea - check out the PUSH journal for your month -- it breaks down my 6 tips in one uniformed spot and is awesome for setting goals, preparing for the goals, and learning how to improve before next month! Check it out HERE!
Your friend & coach,
Jen Delvaux
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