Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Update on Darren #BrainCancer

Unfortunately we all go through some difficult times in our life...from cancer diagnosis to struggles in relationships to financial hardships -- difficult times happen.  As you may know, Darren was diagnosed in 2011 with brain cancer. His positive attitude has helped us both BIG time in this hardship. His recent MRI did show changes and we are facing another branch of difficulties with this news. We know that we are not alone in hardships - and we hope that you, too, know that YOU are not alone in your struggles (whatever they may be). 

Our goal is that in this podcast, we not only share our story a bit, but hope that our favorite tips can inspire YOU to stay sane.

FYI, we’ll be heading out (at the time this is being typed) TODAY to MD Anderson. They will be doing a bunch of crazy testing on Wednesday and Thursday. Brain surgery is schedule for Friday, March 1st, in the brain suite. Which is a massive surgical room with an MRI In it. They are planning on an awake surgery, which means that during the 4 to 6 hour surgery, they will wake him up for a few hours to talk to him and ask questions to make sure they’re not hitting any critical areas. As always he’s remaining so positive!! 

For the most current updates, please be sure to follow my personal Instagram account @jendelvaux 

Your friends & coaches,

Jen Delvaux


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Sisters from another mister!

Do you have a bestie who just gets you? And I mean, really deep down understand who you are at your very core?
Please meet Mindy Lawhorn - she is my sister from another mister. We may physically live far apart but emotionally, she is my next door neighbor. We met thru our love of fitness but as we spent time together - we quickly realized how parallel our lives are. 
Listen, if you are like me -- the older I get, the less tolerance I have for bullshit and drama. I just don’t have the time or energy for it. When it comes to making new friends, I appreciate full-transparency from the get-go. Things get complicated when you try to present yourself as something you aren’t. It all comes out eventually, so don’t try to pretend. People will love you for you, and if they don’t, those aren’t your people.
If  adulthood and my life's journey has taught me anything, it’s that we already have enough to worry about. Trying to navigate a complex friendship is just not something I’m interested in, because literally everything else is more important than your drama, Linda. And also, friendships shouldn’t be complex or require navigation in the first place. If they do, you are probably forcing something that isn’t meant to be.
True friends fit into your life with ease. They are like family, really. If there are unintentional upsets or hurt feelings, you work through them and move on. My closest friends are like sisters - we don’t expect perfection from each other, because no one is perfect. We allow grace for one another, and we apologize when we need to.
My close friends are sassy and sarcastic, and OMG, do they make me laugh! That’s our thing—we like to laugh, and we don’t do drama. 
So what is my life journey that is so parallel with Mindy?  Well, both our husbands have cancer - and they married us as single mom's & they loved our children from the beginning.  We are both going thru quite a bit right now with our husband's cancer journey but  we both chose to never quit, to never stop praying, to keep laughing and to not let this season of life distract us from all the good. 
We just did a podcast on our drama-free friendship - and why that is so important. We dive deeper into our husband's bromance & their cancer, and how our lives are intertwined. Take a listen HERE.
Your friend and coach,
Jen Delvaux

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


If you have been following me on social media - or recently from this blog, you know that I have an amazing husband, Darren. AKA: Mr. Worldwide. Darren has been fighting and winning brain cancer since 2011. At that time, did you know that he was given only 18 months to live?  Crazy right?

Darren's incredible attitude and his mentality about his diagnosis has been unreal. 
In his words, "After years of battling, I still don't accept my long term prognosis and I never will. I live every day of my life without regret and I treat every day like it's the best day of my life. I have learned that in life, you don't have to accept the hand you're dealt. Whether it's your health, your career or relationships, you are the one that's in control of the outcome. If you complain about your health - fix it. If you coplain about your job - fix it. If you complain about being wronged in your life or your career - it's on YOU to fix it. You are the only one in charge of how your life turns out. Nobody else. You have one life to live and it's up to you how you want to live it".

And, let me tell you - Darren Delvaux lives his life to his words every single day. 

He does go in for MRI's every 3 months and is proactive in caring for his health, his brain cancer, and well being. And we have been lucky - and defeated odds - to have his MRI's stay stable and safe all this time. 

Unfortunately, Darren started to have symptoms and not feeling himself. So, when we went in for his latest MRI, we were more concerned (if that's possible....no matter how you feel, or are feeling, it is scary and difficult to wait on results! #Scanxiety is real!).  And much to our knowing, we didn’t get the best of news from Darrens recent MRI results. We honestly weren’t shocked because of the way he’s been feeling, but we we’re still in shock if that makes any sense at all. 

We have a call into his surgeon at MD Anderson to get on the schedule. So we’ll keep you all posted when we figure out the timing of everything. Thank you so much for all the love and prayers. Btw, we’ll be giving the majority of the updates on my Instagram @jendelvaux 

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Monday, February 18, 2019

30 healthy habits every girl should have

It's a Monday...and a cold one at that, here in Michigan. BUT the sun is shining - so I'll take it!  I love Mondays, they are truly a FRESH day. A new chance. A new opportunity. It's like the world is at your fingertips - and you are able to create an amazing day -- let alone week! -- absolutely amazing. What a beautiful feeling, right?

I didn't always feel this way. I used to dread the Monday alarm. The sadness would start to creep in on Sunday evening, and by the time I was crawling into bed on Sunday evening, I was already angry, sad, depressed, and NOT wanting tomorrow to start. You with me?

BUT, I started to change my outlook and make it ALL positive. Like, a real positive outlook. How did I manage that? I mean, seriously, it's not something that happens over night (for me, at least).  Well, I have my amazing husband, Darren, to thank for that. As you may know, he is battling brain cancer. He was given only 18 months to live well over 9 years ago. He took his diagnosis and made his OWN. And now, he lives every single day like it's the best day ever. And positivity like his is contagious!!!  I, too, realized that life is beautiful. It's a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in your own life as well as others. And what an awesome feeling that is! So, I wake up every morning, without fail, and say to myself, "Something wonderful is going to happen today".  And, guess what? It always does. Sometimes it is something HUGE and obvious and other days it may be something so small (and almost insignificant)...but once you realize that something good did happen - even the insignificant things became HUGE and wonderful. 

Here are 30 more healthy habits that every girl, since this is my #girlieboss blog, should have. They should help you jump start your day and claim your life!  For more tips/tricks, message me today! I have online groups for positivity, support, and empowerment that I'd love to plug you into! :) Learn about them HERE.

30 Healthy Habits every Girl Should Have:
1. START FRESH every single day!👊🏻
2. Understand that exercise doesn't have to be a big time commitment.🏋🏼
3. Cut back on (evil) sugar.😿
4. Use a RETINOL if you're starting to get wrinkles.🙄

5. NEVER grocery shop on an empty stomach.🙅🏻

7. NEVER let Google diagnose you.😷
8. Learn to take constructive criticism.👌🏻
9. Count to 10 when angry.😡
10. Eat WHOLE FOODS as much as possible🍏
11. Don't skip your yearly check up!🌡
12. Don't overdo the booze.🍸
13. Don't snack if you're not hungry.🍪
14. Use SPF, and wear a hat in the sun.☀️
15. Water is your best friend. Drink up!💧
16. Safe sex, ALWAYS💑
17. Make your home a place you want to be.🏠
18. Drop loose change in the same jar everyday.💰
19. Stand up for yourself.💃🏼
20. Avoid tanning beds like the plague.🚫
21. Take medication seriously💊
22. Listen to your body.👂🏻
23. Don't skimp on sleep.💤
24. Don't do drugs...period. End of story.
25. Do mental health checks.💆🏻
26. Read labels on everything. 👀
27. Always wear a seatbelt, especially in a taxi.🚕
28. Check your bank account and credit card balance regularly.🏪
29. LOVE yourself!!! ❤️
30. BELIEVE in YOU!! You CAN!👊🏻

Your friend and coach,

Jen Delvaux

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Just in time for ❤️ day: Relationship talk!

Transform your relationship with a little bit of love!!❤️


As most of you already know, Darren was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009. It's been a crazy roller coaster of ups and downs, but we have always managed to keep our heads held high!! And I have to thank my incredible husband for that. The diagnosis that he was given would send a lot of people into a depression & possibly even give up... But not Darren! He truly has a gift like no other. I couldn't be more proud!! And because of his incredible attitude, it thankfully helped me to think think and feel the same way!!!  We have come a long way in our marriage - from cancer diagnosis, to raising two kids, loss of parents, and so much more. Marriage is not just about the good times - it is working and growing thru the difficult times.  

Valentines Day. Do you celebrate this with your partner? Or, is every day Valentine's Day for you!? Or...are you struggling with finding a happier relationship with your loved on
Listen.  Marriage and relationships are hard work. It takes effort, patience, LOVE, and kindness. In this podcast - which is perfect for Valentine's Day as well as any day you need a reminder, we share our tips/tricks in keeping our marriage alive and happy.  We firmly believe that our struggles and difficult times have not only made our fun times MORE fun but strengthened us so our dark times are not as dark. 

Sure, we have our times and our difficulties but we also have learned and always remember the AMAZING times, too.  Sometimes it can be tough to remember the positive traits and aspects but remember why you fell in love in the first place.  And a few other tips:

1. Take good care of yourself! (need help? Check my virtual gym out!)
2. Let go of perfectionism, it doesn't exist 
3. Flirt with your partner 
4. Let go of the fantasy 
5. friendship is as important as love 
6. Never under estimate a mid day text 
7. Schedule time away from each other 
8. Consider a day date 
9. Have a growth mindset 
10. Show appreciation

What would you add? Listen HERE to hear how we are able to remember these tips (including share a few more)! And, as always, we would love to hear your thoughts! Please don't hesitate to shoot a message!
Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

White Chicken Quinoa CHILI!

Anyone else struggling to stay warm in this crazy winter weather!? Here in Michigan, we survived the Polar Vortex but are now dealing with another round of crazy snow storms...and, the kiddos are on their 9,000,000th day off of school.  Okay, it's their 12th, but it feeeels like the 9,000,000th.  

When you are wanting to stay warm, but also stay on track -- because maybe some of your wine consumption has gone up a bit due to those above mentioned snow days -- this chicken chili is not only extremely satisfying and delicious but it packs a protein punch and is super easy to make!  So, grab your wine and make this for dinner tonight!

This is a delicious different type of chili:

- 1 lb fully cooked boneless and skinless chicken breast. 
- 2 tbs cilantro.
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 jalapeño peppers (no seeds!).
- 1 medium onion.
- 1/2 tsp oregano.
- 1 (15 oz) jar great northern beans.
- 1/2 cup quinoa (uncooked)
-1 1 tsp cumin
- 3 cups chicken broth
-Cook on stove top or crock pot until Quinoa is fully cooked (softened).
Before serving; optional but delicious 😉- Top with salsa verde - garnish with cubed avocado!


Let me know if you would add/tweak anything to this recipe -- or if you tried it! Would love to know your thoughts! And, if you are interested in more healthy recipes, fitness tips/workout ideas, and more - join my FREE online virtual gym! Request to join HERE!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Monday, February 11, 2019

ADHD & my daughter: All you need to know!

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
You'd definitely love you, too.
You would hold your head up high,
For you possess beauty that no one can deny.

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
There's no way you'd be so down and blue.
You wouldn't be able to contain your smiles,
For your charm goes on for miles and miles.

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
You'd know there's nothing you can't do.
You'd do things without fear you'll fail,
For you've got many talents yet to unveil.

Please try to see what I see when I look at you.
You will feel refreshed and new.
All the anger, shame, and insecurities will just go.
I promise BABY GIRL, you are too good to ever hang your head low.

Know someone who has ADHD? 🙋
Trust me, it can be tough figuring out how to deal! 
As many of you know, I have a daughter (now in college...crazy how time flies!!)! Maddie is absolutely amazing and we have been thru a lot.  I mean, A LOT.  I've always been open about our journey and our struggles - along with our triumphs and successes! - but it is has been a JOURNEY.  With everything we have been thru, I learned more and more about how Maddie's ADHD has influenced her and her decisions.  When we received the official diagnosis - it was almost like a sigh of relief - to know that her decisions and actions came from how she processes/thinks about things.  Once we had that diagnosis, we were able to really STUDY and LEARN about how her brain works and how we can work thru things.  The diagnosis gave us direction and a plan on how to work together.  

Although we always knew she had ADHD, once we made the decision to go to the Amen clinic (more in my podcast), and receive an intense, consice, and clear diagnosis - it was then that we discovered that we had the tools and ability to help Maddie best. Dr. Amen and his clinic helped make it clear that we as parents needed to learn how to invest our time with her in the best and healthiest way possible. 
A few simple tips to keep in mind as you work thru your ADHD or someone you know with ADHD:

💡 It ain't easy! Be kind to yourself and try not to compare to other parents or kids.
💡 It's not their fault. Understand there is a real, physical difference in their brain activity.
💡Stay calm. Don't fight back, don't engage in heightened situations.
💡They thrive on structure.
💡Love on them, and catch your kid throughout the day in the GOOD!
Check out this podcast for full details on what life is like for our family and how to make the very best of it!!  And don't forget to connect with me on Facebook for #girlieboss fun, health/fitness, LIVING with cancer and so much more!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Ladies, let's have a real talk about {BODY IMAGE}

Isn't it amazing how, seconds apart, the same person can look so different with just a different angle?!  

I am a mom. I have given birth to 2 beautiful kids and I would not change my story for ANYTHING.  Having kids changes our bodies, right moms?  

Maybe you are struggling to be a mom. Maybe you have had a weight loss journey or fitness story of your own.  Or maybe your body has just shifted and changed as you have aged.  Plain and simple, we all have a story. Our bodies carry our own beautiful, very personal, and unique story. And each story is AMAZING - because it is YOURS. We need to stop being our own worse critics and start being our own cheerleader!

While the media likes to focus on all of the negatives, or angle/airbrush/perfect others to show the best side only.....I have learned to reframe my thoughts of my body and  it has only made me better! 💃SSS

I used to hate that my belly button no longer seems to be lifted and, instead, has a frowny face. But, guess what? I have come to embrace the fact that my frowny face belly button tells a story about motherhood. 👪
So stop waiting for perfection (it doesn’t exist) and comparing yourself to other people’s highlight reel!! You never know which angle is being used! And START to love yourself right now, exactly where you are. 

So, my friend, if you are kicking yourself for all the ways that you fall short of the girl in the magazine, or that picture perfect person you see online....do yourself a favor and turn that frown upside down and focus on being GRATEFUL for the story your body can tell!! 
And seriously who has time for perfection?? Life is too short... plus we all need a little wine & chocolate 🍷. Right?? 

You with me? Ready to shift your mindset? Need help in doing so? Message me today and let's get that girlieboss mentally rocking in your life! I have a *FREE* 5 day group about fitness/nutrition and how it saved my life starting NOW.  Join today HERE.

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux



Monday, February 4, 2019


B I N G E 

Are you a binge eater? Have you caught yourself licking the bottom of a popcorn bag (or insert your favorite food(s) of choice) and not even remember eating the entire bag?  Popcorn is my kryptonite and if it is in my house - I have low control over not inhaling the entire bag.  {In one sitting.}

So many of us have been there 🙋 and I know that it can be a tough cycle to break! But, let me tell you friends, there is FREEDOM in feeling satisfied and in control; it's not about deprivation!! 🙅
For me, popcorn has always been that "thing". I literally can't keep the stuff in my house - even the "healthier" versions of popcorn. I seriously can't stop and will literally eat the entire bag! Truthfully, it is one of those foods that I mindlessly will keep eating and my body won't stop from reaching for handfuls of the delicious popped kernels until it's all gone!  Do you have a food where you seem to have no control over? Or is it certain times of the day or month or year where your control with food is non-existant? 

Listen.  Even if it's a healthy food, too much of anything can set us back - because it's not just about calories, but proper nutrition is about fueling your body with a wide variety of nutrients.  Your body will run more efficient when it is fueled properly and has the needed items to allow it to function properly!!!  From sleeping poorly or struggling to lose those last stubborn 5 lbs all the way to hair/nail growth and skin clarity -- nutrition plays a HUGE role in health/fitness! And how you fuel your body will help not just with all of those things but also keep you healthy, perform effectively, and fight a variety of diseases! 🍆🍠🍓
In our latest podcast episode, Darren and I discuss ways to first of all identify binge eating disorder and who is at the highest risk, followed by ways to manage and form a healthier relationship with food.
I'd be lying if I said it was easy, but it IS possible my friends!! 

Here are some things that have helped me:

Stay hydrated 💧
Eat adequate amounts of fiber 🍎
Identify your "kryptonites" and then clean house! 🏠
Don't be afraid to seek help and get accountability - we ALL need it in some way!! 👭

A journey to better health is all about trial, error, and consistency, NOT perfection! Give yourself grace, know that it's a process, and watch your self-control and confidence grow!!

For more on BINGE eating - please listen to our podcast and let us know your thoughts below!
Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux 

I am offering a FREE 2 day Beauty Guide & Flash Sale with all my FAVORITE health/fitness products and nutrition! Interested in checking it out? Request to join HERE and I'll plug you in once I officially open it up! 

What is SUCCESS to you?

How do you define ⚡️SUCCESS⚡️??

I mean - obviously, there is the classic dictionary definition ... but, I'm talking about your ❤️heart of hearts, 🤗initial gut reaction, and personal definition of that term?!?!?

Me? 🤔 I KNOW that success means rising above what is required and pushing yourself to reach your personal goals, whatever they may be. It means that you have done everything in your power to achieve what matters to you. "Success", to me, isn't about hitting a mark and then being satisfied. It means to be constantly and consistently pushing yourself to be the best that you can be! [And some days, it is simply just getting back on track with your own goals...and other days it may be lifting others who are wanting to do the same].

👉🏻I think that success can be measured in MANY ways. And everyone's success can be different from another's version of success. It may be simply taking a leap of faith and joining a group of others to help you reach your own health/fitness goals. It may be working on your journey but empowering others to do the same. Or, it may be mentoring others and helping THEM to reach their definition of success - all the while empowering others & yourself.

👇🏻These straight up #girlieboss coaches have hit success. And, behind these names listed - are many, many, many others who have had their own success, too. You see, Team Fitness Junkies isn't just this list of strong women - it is the entire tribe of sisters who are cheering everyone on; those listed and those cheering them on.

🙋🏻‍♀️Are you ready for support, encouragement, and cheers for your going after your goals? Are you ready for your own success -- and then some? 🤔What's stopping you from messaging me or one of these names listed to find out more?!??! February is the month of LOVE and it's time to love on yourself and have YOUR success story start!  Why not START your success with . my *FLASH SALE* group. Totally free/no strings attached to join; and we will spend two days sharing incredible deals of Beachbody products/nutrition programs/programs. PLUS, a salon owner will be sharing beauty tips/tricks, we will have healthy recipes on hand, and so much more! Interested?


Your friend & coach

Jen Delvaux


Friday, February 1, 2019

⚡️ F*L*A*S*H sale for ❤️ February!


You asked!!! And I listened🤗🤗🤗.

I get asked all the time if my virtual bootcamp groups go on sale.. and for the first time this year... THEY ARE! For 2 days.. on FEBRUARY 13-14!!
I know winter and the cold months can be tough with the holidays ending, resolutions fallen to the ground, and the crazy schedule of school/work/etc.  Plus, money can be TIGHT. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t invest in yourself.. so I want to help!!

What can you expect in this flash sale? There will be CRAZY deals on the top work out/nutrition plans that I offer to my clients (and use myself!!), clean supplements, as well as fun hair & beauty advice from salon owners, recipes, and so much MORE!

If you’ve been watching and wanting to join in one of my monthly bootcamps, this is the right time! The Fitness Junkie VIRTUAL BOOT camp is an awesome place of support, encouragment, health tips, RECIPES, motivation, and EMPOWERMENT from like minded people. We have so much fun and we want you to join!  PLUS, once you are in the virtual gym -- you have a LIFETIME membership!!! 

If you’re wanting the info on the flash sale thats happening for this group, message me HERE as soon as possible, and I can get you in!  It costs nothing to join this group - so why not check it out?
Look forward to helping you on your fitness goals in February!!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux