Monday, October 22, 2018

Are you feeling stressed & overwhelmed in the mornings???

Are you feeling stressed & overwhelmed in the mornings? I have something that might help🙌🏻. Get up an hour before anyone else!! Grab a cup of coffee ☕️(or tea) get in a comfortable spot, grab your Smart Life Push journal and plan your day📙. Before you get overwhelmed with what needs to get done, think about what you’re grateful for🙏🏻. Then... start planning!! You might even have time to cross things off your list! I did🙋🏻‍♀️!! The peace and quiet is amazing! It’s only 9am EST & I feel like I could close shop for the day. Not really tho, cause I’m kinda obsessed with my job💃🏼
P.s. If an hour is too much, at the very least... try out 15 mins. I promise you’ll start to feel amazing & much less stressed.🙌🏻

P.S.... I’m so exited!! 🙌🏻 OPEN ENROLLMENT is officially underway for my next challenge group. It officially begins on November 5th!!! Our focus will be on MINDSET, GRATITUDE, & NUTRITION! 
Message me directly or request to join HERE  🙋🏻 to get the scoop & to hold your spot!! But basically you get me for 21 dayzzz to help you on your health journey!! We’ll have some pre Thanksgiving fun too!! It’s all about balance!! 🙌🏻 
PLUS It’s way more than just getting healthy & fit, it’s about being part of something pretty incredible!! 👯 🏃🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️💃🏼 I like to refer to it as my sisterhood. Message me today💃🏼 & we’ll connect.

Your friend & coach,
Jen Delvaux

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