Whoa. After about 4 weeks off of recording, we are BACK!! And it feels so great to be back and fill you in on our life's happenings the past several weeks. From 8th grade graduation for our son, the first & subsequent second rounds of chemo, hydrotherapy, and some Netflix and chill time. Life get's busy and crazy for all of us, right? But, in the midst of our busy lives, we learned a lot about marijuana, EMsculpting, and we are thrilled to share with you!
Now listen, if you have been following me for a while, you know that we (Darren & I both) take marijuana extremely seriously. In fact, I have an entire podcast with my daughter based on her experiences with abusing marijuana and how we had to actually send her away for help with this. That being said, while we were Netflixin' and Chillin', we watched a crazy interesting documentary called, "Weed the People". Have you heard of it? It's interesting and fascinating and made both of us really change our outlook on weed. We actually are having a call with Dr. Zelda herself to learn more about the benefits of THC & CBD oil on cancer. Or if you are currently using medical marijuana, do you have any information that may be of insight for us? When you are in the fight of your life; we like to have all the weapons at our disposal. (For more, check out the bottom of this page for regular vitamins/supplements that I take)
We wrap things up with talking gut health and microbiome testing...😳 . I'll leave a bit to your imagination on that one...or be sure to listen and learn allllll about this! One of my best friends, Chalene Johnson also have an amazing podcast about it: https://chalenejohnson.com/VIOME
Thanks for reading and I hope that you also listen! You can find this episode HERE
Your friend & coach,
Jen Delvaux
I have many products that I use to optimize my fitness and health journey. And I have done the research to find out exactly when they should be taken in order for them to be most effective! I am excited to share with you what I use and what I have learned! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or to learn more about these products. The easiest way to reach me is Facebook but you can also email me at coachjennyd@gmail.com
As the building block of a health body, B VITAMINS have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism. Since B vitamins tend to boost energy, its recommended to take them in the morning. They’re absorbed well on an empty stomach, but if you have a sensitive stomach, take them with food .
The brand I use is EMERALD B-Healthy – You can find on Amazon HERE.
Take 1,000 – 5,000 IU (I take 5,000 because I live in Michigan where we don’t see a lot of sun) with a meal that contains healthy fats. Get your levels checked to figure out the correct dose for you.
The brand I us is COUNTRY LIFE Vitamin D3 – You can find on Amazon HERE
Because they can cause gastric distress fish oils should be taken with food; the fat in a meal will also help their absorption. Avoid taking right before physical exercise or bedtime. Increased activity or prone position can interfere with digestion.
The brand I use is NORDIC NATURALS – Ultimate Omega 1280mg Omega-3 – You can find at amazonHERE
Best to be taken on an empty stomach some research shows…. BUT there are some studies that show its best to be taken with a meal. The jury is still out on this one, so your best bet is to experiment. Try taking some before a meal and try taking some during a meal. BUT don’t take them after a meal. Several studies show that probiotic survival tends to be lowest when taken 30 mins after eating.
A couple different products that I use:
1. Garden of Life – RAW probiotics, Ultimate Care – You can find on amazon here
2. Farmhouse Culture Gut Shots – I take a shot a couple times a day before a meal. You can find on Amazon HERE
Easily, my favorite brand for apple cider vinegar is Fire Cider!! It is best to take this product before bed OR first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This product is SO good for those that suffer with Acid reflux, feel a cold coming on, bad breath, leg cramps, indigestion, it can help with weight-loss and lowering blood sugar.
You can find FIRE CIDER HERE on Amazon -> I use the one without honey.
My favorite brand is SOUL CBS – Their mission is to provide people and pets with the highest quality, all natural solutions for: pain, anxiety, inflammation, sleep, digestion, and overall health to thrive in their daily lives. It is seriously the BOMB.COM!! I take a dropper in the morning and evening! They also have bath bombs which are amazeballs!! You can get info here: https://mysoulcbd.com/?afmc=110
Magnesium is another product I swear by!! It relieves insomnia, protects your heart, combats asthma, relieves anxiety, migraine headaches, bone health, etc. A ton of benefits. I can tell you this helped the most when I was really struggling with anxiety!
I used to take CALM – You can find on amazon here
But now I use a magnesium spray. You spray about 20 sprays after the shower across your body or in these specific areas for best absorption: inside the elbows, behind the knees, wrists, tops of feet and stomach. There are so many different brands out there and, honestly, I’m not 100 which would be best for you. I have also used EASE, but there are SO many out there.
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