Friday, November 16, 2018

Tabletray dinner & other 🦃 traditions

Traditions.  I am all about traditions and I am all about the holidays - especially Thanksgiving!!!! Thanksgiving has to be one of my favorite holidays; from the table settings to delicious food to crazy family time...gimme. it. all!!!

I take this holiday so very serious, that I host this holiday every year. Nothing is more fun to me than researching Pinterest and searching around for the best table decorations, recipes, and family entertainment ideas. I love having people over, the buzz and excitement of the house, watching the family talk & laugh, and the smells of all the food cooking!  I embrace all that the day brings - even the sometimes crazy times, and the more the merrier when it comes to sharing this day!!!

Darren, however, thinks Thanksgiving is the #6 best holiday (WHAT!)!  And it may not be for the reason you think!!!  As I savor in the hustle bustle of the day, the filled house, and together time, Darren would rather sit & watch the Cowboys and eat his dinner on a table tray.  That is what he grew up doing, his tradition, and sometimes the crazy, busy, loud togetherness can get to him.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Do you and your significant other agree with the traditions? What excites you the most about this holiday? Is it family time? The food? Watching football? Or your table design? (Or table tray design?!?)?  Please share your thougths and what you are thankful for this year! And if you want to watch our video on pea burbling, click here!

Be sure to listen to our podcast for our tips on keeping Thanksgiving in check with food - along with Darren's diet change of going gluten free, listen here! And if you have any great gluten free recipes to share - or any fun Thanksgiving traditions, we would LOVE to hear them! Message me today!

Thanks for reading & listening!
Be sure to listen, subscribe, and share our podcast! And for more on healthy tips and LIVING with cancer, visit today!

Jen & Darren Delvaux

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