Thursday, November 1, 2018

Happy new month! What goals do you have?!

It's that time again!!!! NEW FRESH MONTH!! Grab a pen and paper and write down your monthly goals/dreams!! THIS month is one of my favorites!!!!!! 
Here are a few of my goals for this month:
1. Be present in every moment - need help with this, too? Join my Mindfulness group HERE🙏🏻
2. Less popcorn🍿 (it was getting a little out of control 🙈)
3. Help 5 coaches reach the next level in their business 💎
4. Once a week do random act of kindness❤️
5. Add 10 new coaches to my sisterhood tribe!! Interested? Join the glimpse HERE👯
6. Weekly date nights with Darren💋
7. Focus on what I CAN control (our latest podcast is all about that).
8. Salad a day!! 🥗
9. Record 2 episodes a week on our podcast Mr. Worldwide & His Bride🎧.
10. Help and empower 20 women to become their personal best💃🏼!!

What goals do you have? Interested in learning more about anything? Connect with me today! 

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux

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