Friday, July 6, 2018

What if......??

What if you’re wrong?? 
What if you CAN be happy? 
What if you CAN be at your ideal weight? 
What if you didn’t listen to your fears and just said, YES!! 🙌🏻 
Just this once... Yes to surrounding yourself with a group of women that support you! To a #sisterhood where we’ll always have your back... 
And will cheer you on as you become your best self?? 
What if? 
Think about it🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Please help me welcome my newest ROCKSTAR and friend to my amazing team! Who did say YES! to all of the above!

And in her words - she is ready to join a team of positive, fun, motivating, supportive, like-minded people who will help her crush her dreams. She played collegiate soccer and is now a full time mom & wife is ready to do something for herself. 

I am so excited to welcome Lisa Narcise to my amazing fitfam!!!!! Lisa recently reached out to me - as she is a BIG fan of Piyo, 21 Day Fix, Shakeology! She is a former collegiate athlete (soccer!) and is now a full time mom & wife, who is ready to get into coaching, and gain an amazing sisterhood of accountability partners, motivation, and FUN! I think this is the BEST team for that for sure!!  Lisa, you are beyond kind, have a beautiful smile, an incredible "WHY" behind your reasons for signing up - and I am over the moon to have you officially as a Fitness Junkie!!!!

What is stopping YOU!?!?! Message me today for information on joining our fun!

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