Rules for a happy marriage.

1. Make your spouse a priority.
2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
3. Apologize if you're wrong.
4. Date night weekly.
5. Never bring up mistakes from the past.
6. Neglect the world rather than each other.
7. Never go to sleep angry.
8. At least once a day complement your spouse.
9. Listen carefully.
10. Believe in each other.
I'm not sure if you are following me on Facebook or Instagram (@jendelvaux), but as you may know , Darren has brain cancer. He was diagnosed in 2009 and although his diagnosis was grim, Darren proved the Dr's wrong and has been doing awesome!!! Unfortunately, we found Darren on Friday evening collapsed facedown outside of the bathroom. At this point Doctors are pretty positive it was a seizure. The MRI appears to be normal, which is good, but he is need of another (and longer) EEG, as he has experienced another seizure since arriving at the hospital.
So, I type this from the hospital - exhausted, scared, and looking for answers! Prayers are appreciated!!
SOOOO basically my eating the last couple days has been a TRAIN WRECK!! I've been going from not eating to stress eating!! AND I haven't gotten any workouts in or sleep... SO my plan is to FULLY get back on track...I need it for ME and for Darren!! You with me? I am starting a new BOOTCAMP on Monday - nutrition, workouts, accountability, and FUN. I NEEEED this as a release from the stress...and would love you to join me. Interested??? Message me TODAY!