Friday, March 2, 2018

Weekend Warrior tips!

YAY the weekend is here AND the suns out☀️! Enjoy your family & friends. Just remember all the hard work you've put in this week with your health & fitness. Don't let it get away from you. You don't want to have to start back at square one on Monday!! 
Here are some tips for you
1⃣ Squeeze in a longer workout since you have more fee time.💪🏻
2⃣ Don't go hungry to a party/event.🙌🏻
3⃣ Get enough sleep.😴
4⃣ Use the weekend for healthy meal planning.🍏
5⃣ Plan something relaxing.💅🏻
6⃣ Break the on-again, off-again diet mentality.🚫
7⃣ Unplug from the world!! Enjoy your family!👫
8⃣ Get outdoors.🚴
9⃣ Limit your beverage drinks.🍷
🔟 Be productive! NO lazy Sundays.👊🏻
As always, message me if I can help YOU!!!   
Your friend and coach, 
Jen DelvauxYour


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