Tuesday, March 6, 2018

#Girlieboss truth

#girlieboss and Transformation Tuesday's aren't always easy to post,πŸ™ŒπŸ» BUT I think about that ONE person who is in the same situation I was in... If I could just reach HER, it's all worth it!
Yes, the picture on the left is me about 9 years ago. People assume that I was always small... Nope, unfortunately I got to a point in my life where I wasn't eating healthy πŸ•or working out to my full potential🚢🏻‍♀️! I was lacking confidence, energy, and just didn't feel that great about myself😞... When I saw the picture on the left, I was shocked and knew I had to make a change immediately⚡️.

Thankfully I had started my fitness journey about 6 months prior to discovering my husband had brain cancer. Fitness has been my outlet😀, it's where I can release my stress & worries. It's time for me, where I can forget about the difficulties around me. 

I now have confidence, I feel AMAZING, I believe in ME!! People assume transformations are only on the outside.... But the transformations that happen on the inside are incredibleπŸ’•!! . 
Coaching literally saved our lives!! I can guarantee you Darren and I would not be where we are today without it!!! We're the healthiest we've ever been, happiest by far, we get to design our life the way we want too & it has helped me to become the#girlboss I've always wanted to become! 

All because of one picture that I saw of myself that made me decide it was time to make a change. .
If you want more info on becoming a Coach, even if you need it for the accountability like I did, reach out!! Send me a message OR comment below with "more info" and I can message youπŸ™ŒπŸ». What’s stopping you? We have one life to live... Why not make it the best?? πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’•
 — with Jen Dodgson Delvaux and Jen Dodgson Delvaux.

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