Research shows that music motivates you to work out harder and for longer. Have a go to emergency playlist/song to get you through the end of your workout. The song, Lose Yourself by Eminem, gets me through the last 5 minutes... It actually pushes me to go further.

It doesn't matter if it's a Gandhi quote or Snoop Dogg lyric – pick a phrase to tell yourself when you feel like giving up... Use the phrase with a personal connection that you know will light a fire under your butt.

Make a deal with yourself that when you finish your work out, you can have a reward. Visualizing that post workout prize helps you to take yourself out of the present tense for a moment and make the last rep a mile seem worth it. P.S. Don't make the reward food related... Unless it's a healthy treat.

When you feel like you're ready to quit, tell yourself, "I've been through this before and I've overcome it before." Maintaining a positive attitude through the end of your workout will hope you want to come back for more.

Imagining yourself accomplishing your goal can help you push through a mental roadblock. When you're stuck at mile three, visualize how you look after mile six. You have to build to see it in order to be able to do it.
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