Monday, June 24, 2019

*Sweat Sanity* Challenge and HEALTHY POPSICLE recipe!

Hey friend!

Can you believe that July is just around the corner?!
Summer is in full-swing and I wanted to let you know that I’ve got a brand new
support + accountability community starting. In the Sweat Sanity Challenge, we’ll be focused on
creating a brand new habit for the month, sharing our usual delicious recipes that won’t derail your
goals, keeping each other on track with our workouts, and more!

If you are ready to be part of an incredible community of people lifting each other up… we’re ready
for you! I’d love to give you the details on how to join us if you’d like! Just hit reply and I can send
over the info.

Exercise isn’t just about the size of your muscles or how fast you can run a mile, although those
things are totally legit goals to work on.

But deep down? People who exercise regularly tend to do so more before of that sense of well-being
a regular workout provides #SweatSanity

They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and
feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. And exercise can also be powerful
medicine for common mental health challenges, including having a positive impact on depression,
anxiety, ADHD and more.

=Sweat Sanity

Most popsicles are made primarily of sugar, sugar, and then a little bit more sugar for good
measure…but not these! These are the perfect poolside treat … they actually taste GOOD and
they’re good for you. What could be better?!

For the smoothest strawberry popsicles, you’ll want to blend all the ingredients on high speed until
liquified. But if you do want a bit of texture, reserve some of the strawberries, adding them only at the
end. Pulse the blender a few times to roughly chop them, before pouring the mixture into molds.

  • Âľ cup water
  • ½ cup fresh (or frozen) strawberries
  • 2 scoops Strawberry Shakeology (whey or vegan)
  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 2 tbsp fresh mint, chopped

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Divide evenly into four popsicle molds; freeze
for at least 4 hours or until set.

Don’t have Shakeology? Grab yours here!

If you could use a bit more sanity in your life… including healthy recipes and motivation, you know
where to find me! Just hit HERE and I’ll get you all the details on the Sweat Sanity Challenge.

I hope July is incredible for you and I’ll talk to you soon!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux

Thursday, June 13, 2019

All the info. on the MORNING MELTDOWN!

Who doesn’t love Jericho’s workouts? With Core De Force as successful as it is, I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting the release of her newest program: Morning Meltdown 100.
MM100 includes 100 workouts that range from HIIT (high intensity interval training) to strength, to flexibility & recovery. The idea behind this is to challenge your body EVERY day — which keeps you from hitting a plateau in your fitness (or get bored with the same ole’ workouts). Plus, you will have FUN & connect to this workout like never before – so if you have struggled with sticking with a program – this is for you!
Ready to learn more? Join my *FREE* informational group about the Morning Meltdown 100 before it officially launches!!! Fill this form out and get plugged in today!
After you fill this out, you will get a pop up box with a link to request to join the group! Copy/paste the link into your server’s search browser and join today!

Your friend and coach,

Jen Delaux

Monday, June 10, 2019

Meatless Monday - and special invite!

You hear about Meatless Monday and maybe even do it every once and awhile.
But did you know ALL the incredible benefits of going meatless just one day a week? 🍗🍖
Read on!

🍗1. Meatless Monday can help you live longer

Studies show that eating more plant-based foods and less red meat can increase longevity.
You don’t have to adopt a strict vegetarian diet to reap the benefits of a plant-based diet: cutting back on
meat just one day a week can bring about the health benefits to help you live longer.

🌭2. Meatless Monday sets you up for a successful and healthy week

The beginning of the workweek sets the tone for the rest of your week.
A positive, healthy habit like Meatless Monday sets you on the right track to make better health
decisions throughout the rest of the week, so come Thursday you might reach for a granola bar
instead of a chocolate bar.

🍔3. It is good for your heart

Cutting back on meat decreases your risk of heart disease, can lower cholesterol, and can
decrease blood pressure. Studies have found that vegetarians have a 32% lower risk of dying
from coronary heart disease than omnivores.

🍗4. It decreases your environmental footprint

Switching out meat for plant-based foods means less water and energy is required to produce your
food, and fewer greenhouse gases are expelled during production. It takes a whopping 1,800 gallons of
water to produce one pound of beef compared to just 108 gallons for a pound of corn. Raising livestock is
so resource-intensive because of how much corn, soy, and other feed must be grown to feed the animal.
The resource footprint of a cow or pig includes all of the water, land, and energy required to grow the food
that the animal eats, so it is significantly higher than the resource footprint of plants.

🍔5. It’s easy and delicious

Meatless meals don’t have to be boring or time-intensive. Thanks to the internet thousands of easy,
delicious, and free vegetarian recipes are available at your fingertips to help make your Meatless Monday
meals the most delicious meals of your week. Dishes that do not normally include meat – like enchiladas,
pasta dishes, or soup – are great for starting out. Protein-rich foods like beans, lentils, and tofu can easily
replace meat in traditional dishes like stir-fries, tacos, and casseroles.

🌭6. It can help you lose weight

Eating more fiber-rich plants lowers your risk of obesity, and meals that don’t feature meat tend to focus
more on vegetables, grains, and fruits. Meatless diets also tend to be lower in fat, particularly saturated fat,
and reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes.

🍖7. It can help you out of a food rut

Shopping, meal planning, and cooking are time intensive, so it’s easy to eat the same meals over and
over again until they become boring. Adopting a challenge like Meatless Monday encourages you to
branch out and experiment with new recipes and ingredients, bringing new life to your kitchen.

🍗8. It can save you money

Meat tends to be more expensive than fruits, vegetables, and grains. Cutting out meat for just a few
meals a week gives you more money to spend on healthy foods!

What do you think???? Would you be in to going one day a week without meat? There are plenty of other
options and varieties for why not? Want to kickstart your health journey or try this #Meatless
idea?? Join my FREE 3-Day SNOOP GROUP to detox and kickstart your nutrition without meat!
Fill this out today!
Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer's ready for it?

Memorial Day has passed us and we are *officially* in the start of summer! Are you ready for it!? Short shorts, tank tops, BATHING SUIT!???!  I firmly believe everyone can absolutely CRUSH whatever wardrobe they are wearing, but I also firmly believe everyone should be able to feel their absolute BEST when doing so. You with me?
Listen, summer time usually means grill outs, celebrations, parties, and extra fun festivities…and it is all FUN! But, these celebrations can absolutely wreck havoc on our bodies and our systems. 
No matter where you are in your health/fitness journey, if you are looking to lose a few lbs or are just wanting to maintain.  Or, perhaps you are just *feeling* the effects of too many totties, burgers, and fun.  Well, this nutrition system is for you! When most people are ready to detox & cleanse their body, they choose a liquid diet…ugh! No thanks. With this system, you will eat food and detoxify your body, helping you shed unwanted pounds & leave you feeling amazing. All in only 3 days.
How is that even possible, right? With liquid diets, you can actually slower your metabolism -- and typically the drinks are higher in sugar/lower in protein. You are left feeling sluggish and you usually end up gaining the weight you lost - and then some.  That doesn't seem like anything I would want.  Plus, I LOVE to eat. 
Fill this form out and get ready to learn the HOWS & WHYS this is possible! No strings attached!
Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux