Monday, April 15, 2019

Mindfulness & Personal Development

Mindfulness & Personal Development are my jam!!!

If you have been following me on social media for a while, you *know* this! I start my day with some type of personal development (typically podcasts) and the difference it makes in my day/life is immeasurable! 

I want to personally invite you to my *FREE* online group, where I share every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, my favorite personal development podcasts!  YES, we are on iTunes as Mr. Worldwide & His Bride and we would be honored if you took a listen (LIVING with cancer, parenting tips, relationship advice, and living healthy) - but these podcasts are from a variety of different authors (is that right? Are they podcast authors?) all which will spark positivity for your day!

Let's face it, between work, relationships, obligations, and just life --- things get busy and things get hectic. Fast. Why not take some time to better YOU!? It only helps your day turn brighter and it only helps create a mindset in yourself that betters YOU! 

You can request to join HERE. It is a private group on Facebook - and you can share as much or as little as you would like! Or, just be in the group to get my favorite episodes out there!

Would love to see you there!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux

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