Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Summer time and creating healthy habits...

Can you believe Memorial Day Weekend is fast approaching? As much as I am NOT a fan of the cold weather, and as many snow days we experienced in Michigan (ummm...15 days if not more), this winter seemed to have FLOWN by!

Well, Memorial weekend is the unofficial start of summer around here. Which means, shorts, tanks, swim suits, and time to finally thaw out! You ready!???  I am ready to thaw out, but this fast winter - was also a very cold winter (-25 windshields!), and the extra layer of fluff is lingering...

The BIGGEST struggle for those tying to lose weight usually is nutrition. Can you relate?? And hear me loud and clear; you can NOT out exercise a bad diet. Nutrition is the most important part of weight loss!

Listen, I did it wrong for years - so I get it! I used to go home after a workout and treat myself to a piece of pizza. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. BUT guess what?? We can even over do it on healthy foods -- watching your portion size is KEY!

So, for those who decide to join my EMPOWER NATION virtual gym, you will be getting the tips and tricks that I have been implementing to help boost my metabolism.  Sound good!???  I know that I'm ready to rock summer!

P.S. This group WILL fill up, so don't wait! Message me or comment below if you want in!! 
I'm not letting summer start without getting a headstart on my metabolism and nutrition -- I'm ready to crush Memorial Weekend festivities feeling my best! You too? And I'm going to make these habits last so that I'm ready for 4th of July, summer weddings, and all the fun summer activities already planned!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Monday, April 22, 2019

10 tips to be happier TODAY!

It's easy to be happy today...the sun is shining, it's already a beautiful 62 degrees in Michigan and Spring has absolutely SPRUNG!  But, a week ago -- that's right, one week ago, we had snow on the ground and it was grey & cold. 
I'm not sure where you live but Winter kicked out Michigan butts. With 15 snow days IN. A. ROW (and that is coming off of a 2 week Christmas break), I think we all got a bit stir crazy. The temperature was -25 a few times and it was simply a tough few months!  

To get thru that time, or any difficult time where you find yourself getting upset or depressed, try these tips to consistently be a happier person. 

Become a happier person today!! 
1. WAKE UP EARLY: Go to bed at a decent hour, getting 7 or 8 hours sleep and you'll wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new day. If you wake up earlier you are more likely to have a happier and more successful day. If you have trouble falling asleep, try this tea - it works like a charm for me and is a natural & healthy way to snooze!
2. FIND YOUR SMILE: And find it daily. Do something that makes you happy right away. Tell yourself something wonderful is going to happen and believe it.
3. SEE BEYOND IMPERFECTIONS: Happy people understand that life isn't going to be flawless. They don't judge others! They look for the good in people and even in themselves.
4. PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK: Happy people are proud of what they do. They recognize when they accomplish something. They finish what they start and they're always try to become better.
5. GET MOVIN': Go to the gym, go for a walk, or do an at-home workout. After you get your body moving – I promise you won't regret it.
6. BECOME YOUR OWN BESTFRIEND: We can be our own worst enemy or own best friend – it's up to YOU to decide. Don't let your mind bring you down and tell you you're not happy. You deserve to find joy. Love the person in the mirror and think positively about yourself. Need help with this? Join my Mindfulness & Personal development group - I share my favorite personal development podcasts 3 times a week! And its free to join!

7. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH HAPPY PEOPLE: Be around people who uplift you and make you feel better. Did you know if you're constantly with negative people – you are more likely to become negative too? Your environment around you can make you who you are. Check out my Virtual Gym (it's SO much more than just accountability on our workouts!), we are a sisterhood tribe of supportive #girlieboss ladies!
8. BE GRATEFUL: Don't take a day for granted. Recognize that every day is a blessing.
9. SLOW DOWN: We tend to take on too much. Give yourself a break. Don't feel like you need to do everything in one day. Do what is best for you.
10. MAKE THE BEST OUT OF EVERYTHING: We really do have choices in every situation – choose the highroad – smile, laugh and make the best of it.
Did I miss anything?? What else makes you truly happy? 

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Thursday, April 18, 2019

CBD oil - what is it, why use it, is it even legal? So many questions...

What are your thoughts on CBD oil?? Do you use it? Or do you still have a lot of questions??
Well, we’ve got good news!! Our recent Episode on our podcast, Mr Worldwide & His Bride (you’re listening, right??) has everything you need to know!! In fact, there’s a google doc below, fill it out (I do not sell your email nor do I send you unwanted emails) and I will send you all the benefits of CBD, unravel the myths, and dive deeper into all the ways you can use it! đź‘ŚđźŹ» There’s some benefits that might surprise you, like it did me!! I would love to hear if you’ve had success with it!! Or if you have anything to add!!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux

Monday, April 15, 2019

Mindfulness & Personal Development

Mindfulness & Personal Development are my jam!!!

If you have been following me on social media for a while, you *know* this! I start my day with some type of personal development (typically podcasts) and the difference it makes in my day/life is immeasurable! 

I want to personally invite you to my *FREE* online group, where I share every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, my favorite personal development podcasts!  YES, we are on iTunes as Mr. Worldwide & His Bride and we would be honored if you took a listen (LIVING with cancer, parenting tips, relationship advice, and living healthy) - but these podcasts are from a variety of different authors (is that right? Are they podcast authors?) all which will spark positivity for your day!

Let's face it, between work, relationships, obligations, and just life --- things get busy and things get hectic. Fast. Why not take some time to better YOU!? It only helps your day turn brighter and it only helps create a mindset in yourself that betters YOU! 

You can request to join HERE. It is a private group on Facebook - and you can share as much or as little as you would like! Or, just be in the group to get my favorite episodes out there!

Would love to see you there!

Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux


Thursday, April 11, 2019

What supplements to take - and WHEN to take them!

As a health & fitness coach, I am constantly learning and researching about supplements, vitamins, and more. I want to ensure that I have all the information at my fingertips so that I can best serve myself and YOU!
There are so many different products out there that claim to aid in our health/fitness journey, but do they actually work? And did you know that there are certain times when you should be taking them in order for them to be the most effective?
Let’s face it, we are all busy and may not have the time or availability to learn which products work and which products should be taken at what time of the day. Let me share with you MY favorite supplements so you can ensure that they not only are amazing — and I will also share with you WHEN I take them for the most benefits!
Just fill out this quick form below (don’t worry, I don’t sell your email or send you any unwanted emails!), and I will immediately send you this information.
If you have any questions about these products or would like to connect with me for your health/fitness needs, please connect with me on Facebook! I also have an online Virtual Gym as well as other resources that I would love to plug you into!

Detoxify Naturally...

Toxic Overload!

Your body is SO powerful! And our detoxification system is just as strong & amazing! But, in this modern age of technology and pollutions, it is also under a lot of strain! Why not add some things to your diet to help you rid of these toxins naturally?

Pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, chemicals, and stress can all strain your natural detoxification systems. It’s like one person is mopping the floor while another is stomping around the kitchen in muddy boots.

The best and safest way to detox is to eat real, healthy foods.

The easiest and first thing you should do is to start your day with a glass of spring water - and the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon. This helps flush out the toxins and alkalizes the body. You can also add a couple of tables spoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of spring water. 
My other tips:

  1. Drink a freshly made vegetable juice daily! Include lots of greens such as kale, spinach, and cilantro. I love to start my day with a juice made with apples, carrot, lemon, ginger, turmeric, beetroot, kale & cilantro. My favorite juicer is the Breville Juicer
  2. Eliminate toxic oils from your diet. Toxic oils can include vegetable oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, cotton seed oil, and canola oil. Substitute with good oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, hemp oil, and flaxseed oil.
  3. Drink green tea and herbal teas. My favorites are Yogi Green Tea Antioxidant, Celebration Herbals (milk thistle seed), Tea Forte (essential greens). I use the SMEG water heater -- it heats water super fast and without the use of the microwave!
  4. Eat more raw fruits, herbs, and vegetables. These boost liver health with anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects. They are also high in fiber. Anything with great sources of chlorophyll is also a top detoxifying plant pigment. (This is Darren's favorite chlorophyll drops, too, for an added kick). You can check out KOR shots (click HERE) for an awesome way to get these benefits in daily.
  5. Minimize or eliminate white sugar, white flour, white bread products! In our bread products, even the wheat, you may find a lot of sugar, flour, and unclean ingredients. I eat Ezekial bread, which you may be interested in checking out, too! They have an awesome assortment of muffins, breads, cereals, etc.
  6. Take a probiotic supplement. You can also eat foods that contain live cultures, such as cultured vegetables, Greek Yogurt, or kefir. These products can kill harmful bacteria and the yeasts help the lining of your intestines.
  7. Eat legumes and less meat, fish, and poultry.
  8. Breath deeply, walk, smile, laugh, be happy and remove toxic people from your life! Find the positive in every day and move your body! This will all help to reduce stress and the stress chemicals in your body. You can also check out my Virtual Gym for online support/motivation from positive people or join my Mindfulness & Personal Development group for more!
  9. For more on mindful eating and nutrition help, be sure to check out the 131-Method (a TOTAL game changer with nutrition and clean eating).
For more tips and fun, be sure to check me out on Facebook or Instagram
Your friend & coach,

Jen Delvaux

Monday, April 8, 2019

LIVING with cancer

In 2008, my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer. It was the hardest thing we’ve ever been through and I honestly thought my life would never be the same again.  Here’s the crazy part: OUR LIVES are NOT the same, but they are so much better!!  Believe me, it’s hard to explain.  Getting a cancer diagnosis, and I know it wasn’t ME that got it, but I felt like it, can change your whole life.  Sometimes people assume the worst, but that was not the case for us.  Thankfully, my husband has the best attitude of anyone I know!  He would NOT accept his diagnosis when his Doctors gave him a year and a half to live. He said, ” I have kids, I’m husband, a friend.. and I have a LOT of living to do!!”. So that is exactly what we have done.   I couldn’t be more proud of him. The cancer he still has (they weren’t able to get it all), shockingly has not started grow yet.  I say yet, because, unfortunately, it will start grow. We just don’t know when. The doctors said usually it will grow again within 2 to 3 years – well, it’s been over 5!! He defeats all odds! He is my hero!
Don’t get me wrong, it has been hard.  This has been a journey that I would not want anyone to face.  But, how Darren faces it every morning is an amazing testimony to him.  We know that worrying doesn’t take away troubles, it takes away today’s peace. We created our podcast to share our story with you, along with navigating marriage, parenthood, and all of life throughout this journey! We would love for you to check it out!
   Every 3 months, when he goes in for his MRI,  I keep thinking it will get easier, but they never do. Unfortunately, when it comes to brain cancer the further you get out the more likely it is to come back. And, unfortunately, if you are following me on social media (Facebook, Instagram), you know that this fear has come true. BUT, as we have committed our last many years to, we are NOT letting this stop us. We are staying optimistic and positive and not letting this defeat us.
We are now committed to sharing our story and hearing other’s stories.  If you have cancer, are a care taker, or have been affected by it, then we would love to connect!  We share how we stay optimistic with this diagnosis and want to create an environment where everyone is loved, supported, encouraged, and motivated to do the same! You should also check out this BOOK â€“ it is one of our FAVORITES and has helped us with learning more about cancer!

How does he do it?
1. He does NOT let cancer define him. The term “cancer survivor” does not apply to him. He does not just “survive” he “thrives”.
2. He wakes up every single morning with the most incredible attitude! It’s not that he doesn’t think about having cancer everyday, but he chooses to make it a great day!
3. When he is having an off day (forgets why he’s in a certain room or what he’s supposed to be doing or puts toothpaste in his hair instead of hair gel…happens a lot)…he laughs.
4. He eats healthy (80% of the time) and works out.
5. And most importantly, he laughs out loud EVERYDAY (sometimes all day).
When something bad happens, you have three choices: Let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.  Choose to let it strengthen you!  What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to WHAT LIES WITHIN US.  And when you bring what is WITHIN out into the world, MIRACLES HAPPEN.
“It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

Your friend and coach,

Jen Delvaux