Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Let's talk FOOD 🍎🍕🍳🍔🥗

Counting calories, tracking macros, portion control containers, low carb, no carb, carb cycling, timed nutrition, and allllllllll the fad diets in between…#beenthere 🙋🏻‍♀️ . You too?
Ever given one, two, or maybe all of these a try? And if you have, maybe one of these strategies work for you. Maybe it was exactly what you needed for REAL, long-lasting results.
Or maybe not. If you are still looking for the easiest and extremely effective nutrition guide.....look no further.

WAIIIIT....hold up.  Stop the presses.  Hold the phone.  huh?

Is this just another fad diet?

Actually…it’s quite the opposite. 

Let’s get real for a minute.
What happens with diets when it’s all focused around restriction?
You often pass on experiences, celebrations, events, and things you truly enjoy. Or you say…hey, life is too short to miss out on these things and you indulge, enjoy but then you don’t get back “on track” with the plan. It's hard to get back on the wagon.
We’ve all been there, right ladies???
So let me ask you this…
What’s your goal?
Is your goal to create a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and be confident and happy with your food choices?
If yes, then your goals are already in motion to start the lifestyle that will change your life forever.
The Ultimate Portion Fix takes out the guesswork and teaches you a system that can be used day after day. Over time, you will see what works for you and your body.
I honestly believe, it comes down to structure. If you thrive or succeed from structure or if you prefer to have a more “laid-back” approach to your nutrition.
For some, they need to have containers, a calculation, or a number goal to hit each day.
For others, removing structure and learning and applying easy-to-follow principles and healthy habits is exactly what they need to remove the stress they often feel with plans centered around calories, macros, or portion containers.
Is this plan magic? I hate to break it to you, but there is NO SUCH THING.
But, there is some magic that happens when a group of empowering #girlieboss #FitnessJunkies come together forming a community to support one another every step of the journey.
Team Fitness Junkies will bring you a community, or VIRTUAL GYM, where we are team up to bring you the best of the best when it comes to an online space for support and resources. We check in and post ideas every single day to keep you excited about this process.
That’s what it is…a process.
There’s no such thing as an overnight fix.
If you’re ready to explore more Ultimate Portion Fix and if the program and it’s long-term focused principles will best serve you, JOIN US. Message me TODAY!

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