1. TAKE CARE OF YOU!: It is SO important to take time for yourself. Mom’s lives can get so busy with cleaning, cooking, running errands and playing, all while trying to deal with finances, kissing boo-boos and singing songs. Do something you love EVERY day.
2. LIFE IS BETTER WHEN YOU’RE LAUGHING: Learn to laugh. Nothing is going to be perfect – there are going to be days where you actually just want to cry! But learn to laugh. We all make mistakes – but everything works out. I find it helpful to laugh in some of the most stressful situations.
3. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE SCHEDULE: I find that my most successful days as a mom are the days I wake up early and get going quickly. Find a schedule that works for you!
4. FOCUS ON FAMILY: Family should always come first. Your spouse and your children should be your very first priority.
5. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN…AND THAT IS OKAY: Not only is it okay, but it is a good thing! Leave the kids with your husband, mom, friend, babysitter – and have a little Girls Night Out!
6. CREATE A HAPPY, HEALTHY HOUSE: That sign that says, “Please excuse the mess, my kids are busy making memories.” I LOVE that! Although it is so important to have a clean house, I am a big believer in creating a happy house too.
7. DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE JONESES: Always remember we don’t see EVERYTHING. Just because someone’s life looks flawless on Facebook, doesn’t mean that is truly how it is. Everyone has trials. Everyone has bad days. Stop comparing and just do your best.
8. CALL FOR HELP: I have learned that it is okay to ask for help. In fact, we can’t do it alone. If you don’t have a husband to call – call your mom, call a friend, call a neighbor. We all need support.
9. LEARN HOW TO SAY “NO”: This is a hard one for me, but I am slowly learning how to say it. I can’t help with everything and be the best Mom to my family.
10. DO WHAT YOU CAN DO, IN THE BEST WAY YOU KNOW: Lastly, just do your very best! No one is perfect!
And remember;

Be stupid.

Be silly.

Be weird.

Be whatever.

Because life is to short to be anything but happy!

Which of the habits above are you going to incorporate into your daily routine? Share below!
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