Monday, December 4, 2017

New Years Resolutions on your mind???

Do you feel like something is missing in your life? I get it!! 🙋🏻That totally used to be me. I have room for 10 new fitness business owners 💃🏼 to learn the ropes before the January fitness resolutions🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️👊🏻 Here are a few reasons why...
👉🏻You can do it for your own accountability!! That’s what I did in the beginning🏃🏻‍♀️
👉🏻You can do it to be part of something!!#sisterhood 💃🏼🚶🏻‍♀️
👉🏻You can do it to inspire others.
👉🏻You can do it for a side hustle.
👉🏻You can do it for the trips🌴 & the girlboss 👯‍♀️community that empowers each other.
👉🏻You would get 1:1 mentorship from me🙋🏻.
Just comment below “more info”, I’ll send you the details and you can decide if it would be the right fit for you👌🏻.
Just message me HERE &  I’ll send you the details and you can decide if it would be the right fit for you👌🏻.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

#Transform your relationship with ❤️

Transform your relationship with a little bit of love!!❤️
And, as always, be sure to follow me on Facebook for #Transformation posts, recipes, motivation, LIVING with cancer, and more!

1. Send him/her a sweet text message.
2. Leave a love note that lets them know they're on your mind.
3. Say thank you!! Let them know how grateful you are for them.
4. Leave a little gift for them - it doesn't have to be big.. As little as their favorite snack.. Whatever you think would make them smile.
5. Unplug from your devices when you're on a date night, watching a movie or whenever you're spending quality time with each other.
6. Random act of kindness doesn't just need to be for strangers... Think about ways you can bring more kindness into your relationship. Having coffee ready for your spouse in the morning, filling up the gas tank...!❤️

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Turkey Take-Down!

Hey friends!!! I'm planning a 👉🏻FREE 👈🏻 Pre-Thanksgiving slim down!! So you can enjoy turkey day 🦃 without feeling guilty!! In fact, you may even want to use the healthier holiday recipes that I’ll be sharing. 

If you join the event I'll also be sharing some tips for staying on track before the big day, healthier versions of holiday favorites, workout ideas, motivation & tons of FUN!! If you would like to join, the link to connect with me is HERE!

Monday, November 6, 2017

8 Tips on Staying Inspired EVERYDAY!

8 Tips on Staying Inspired EVERYDAY! 

1. Drink a glass of water when you wake up. Start the day fresh! 💧
2. Move and sweat 👯. Daily exercise boosts your energy level, improves your mood, & relieves stress. Join my FREE Health & Fitness group for women for extra motivation - click HERE
3. Get enough sleep 😴!
4. Every morning make a list of 3 tasks you want to accomplish📝.
5. The 45/15 rule - work for 45 minutes on one task and take a 15 minute break to refocus.
6. Reflect daily😌.
7. Work on personal development everyday! Whether it's reading📖, browsing the web, or listening to podcasts. This will help keep you inspired. Join my FREE podsquad for personal development HERE
8. Express gratitude🙏🏻. Gratitude promotes happiness😊. Think about 10 things you're grateful for every morning.

As always, connect with me on Facebook for extra inspiration and motivation! Would love to hear how you stay inspired!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How is #Marriage like fitness?

How marriage is like fitness.

1. DON'T COMPARE. Your marriage, just like your fitness, is yours alone. Don't compare other couples behavior to your day to day marriage. Same thing with running – you don't know where they're coming from or how hard they've worked to get there.

2. MAKE IT A PRIORITY. Life gets busy. People have jobs, kids, activities…. Just like it's easy to wake up one day and realize you haven't worked out in weeks, it's just as easy to wake up one day and realize you know longer know your spouse. Regular date nights, trips together, and even working out together occasionally can help you keep the connection alive. Darren and I work out together at least once a week!! It's always my favorite workout.

3. MARRY SOMEONE YOU LIKE. That sounds kind of like "DUH", but marrying someone you flat out enjoy being with will go a long way during the hard times. Same thing goes with exercise. If you hate running, you aren't going to do it. You need to find something you LOVE, or at least don't hate!

4. REALIZE THAT THE BAD DAYS ARE JUST THAT - A BAD DAY. If your marriage is strong and you've worked hard to stay close to your spouse, most bad days (or even phases) can be worked through. And a lot of times they are indicative of nothing important. Workouts are the same way. We've all had bad workouts where we want to give up or where a run seems so hard for the pace we are running. But we don't stop, we try again, and chances are, the next run or workout will be your best.

5. KEEP TRYING NEW THINGS. Have adventures together. Learn together. Just like fitness, sometimes you need to shake things up a bit. And remember, it's as much about the journey as the goals. Embrace every moment and enjoy the ride.

Looking for a #workout partner?  I am here!  Connect with me on Facebook today!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wisdom for my daughter...

Wisdom for my daughter:

-Your future does not lay in front of you. It lies deep inside you. 
-Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. 
-When life becomes a roller coaster, climb into the front seat, throw your arms in the air and enjoy the ride. 
-Rise by lifting others.
-When life gets crazy, do something normal.
-And if life gets too normal, do something crazy.
-Always be nice.
-Life is about your how handle plan B.
-Practice the art of listening.
-Play with wild abandon no matter how old you get.
-Find the joy in all choices you make.
-Remember, in the end good girls always win.
-Never forget...I will love you forever, for always, and no matter what.

Don't forget to connect with me on Facebook!


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Got the blues?? Become a happier person today with these tips...

Become a happier person today!! 

1. WAKE UP EARLY: Go to bed at a decent hour, getting 7 or 8 hours sleep and you'll wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new day. If you wake up earlier you are more likely to have a happier and more successful day.

2. FIND YOUR SMILE: And find it daily. Do something that makes you happy right away. Tell yourself something wonderful is going to happen and believe it.

3. SEE BEYOND IMPERFECTIONS: Happy people understand that life isn't going to be flawless. They don't judge others! They look for the good in people and even in themselves. 

4. PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK: Happy people are proud of what they do. They recognize when they accomplish something. They finish what they start and they're always try to become better.

5. GET MOVIN': Go to the gym, go for a walk, or do an at-home workout. After you get your body moving – I promise you won't regret it.

6. BECOME YOUR OWN BESTFRIEND: We can be our own worst enemy or own best friend – it's up to YOU to decide. Don't let your mind bring you down and tell you you're not happy. You deserve to find joy. Love the person in the mirror and think positively about yourself.

7. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH HAPPY PEOPLE: Be around people who uplift you and make you feel better. Did you know if you're constantly with negative people – you are more likely to become negative too? Your environment around you can make you who you are.

8. BE GRATEFUL: Don't take a day for granted. Recognize that every day is a blessing.

9. SLOW DOWN: We tend to take on too much. Give yourself a break. Don't feel like you need to do everything in one day. Do what is best for you.

10. MAKE THE BEST OUT OF EVERYTHING: We really do have choices in every situation – choose the highroad – smile, laugh and make the best of it.
 — Find me on Facebook ----> Jen Dodgson Delvaux. if you need more tips or help finding your happiness! I have free accountability groups and would love to plug you in one! :)

Monday, October 9, 2017

❤️ How Fitness is Like Marriage....

How marriage is like fitness.

1. DON'T COMPARE. Your marriage, just like your fitness, is yours alone. Don't compare other couples behavior to your day to day marriage. Same thing with running – you don't know where they're coming from or how hard they've worked to get there.

2. MAKE IT A PRIORITY. Life gets busy. People have jobs, kids, activities…. Just like it's easy to wake up one day and realize you haven't worked out in weeks, it's just as easy to wake up one day and realize you know longer know your spouse. Regular date nights, trips together, and even working out together occasionally can help you keep the connection alive. Darren and I work out together at least once a week!! It's always my favorite workout.

3. MARRY SOMEONE YOU LIKE. That sounds kind of like "DUH", but marrying someone you flat out enjoy being with will go a long way during the hard times. Same thing goes with exercise. If you hate running, you aren't going to do it. You need to find something you LOVE, or at least don't hate! 

4. REALIZE THAT THE BAD DAYS ARE JUST THAT - A BAD DAY. If your marriage is strong and you've worked hard to stay close to your spouse, most bad days (or even phases) can be worked through. And a lot of times they are indicative of nothing important. Workouts are the same way. We've all had bad workouts where we want to give up or where a run seems so hard for the pace we are running. But we don't stop, we try again, and chances are, the next run or workout will be your best.

5. KEEP TRYING NEW THINGS. Have adventures together. Learn together. Just like fitness, sometimes you need to shake things up a bit. And remember, it's as much about the journey as the goals. Embrace every moment and enjoy the ride.

For more tips on health/fitness and to join my free accountability group - message me on Facebook today!  #girlieboss #fitness #marriage #relationshipgoals 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why *YOU* need a workout #BFF

Do you have a workout BFF? 

Here's 10 reasons why you need one!

1⃣ They'll do the ridiculous looking moves with you so you don't look absolutely insane at the gym.
2⃣ They make SURE you get up for your early-morning workouts.
3⃣ Anytime you're ready to throw in the towel… There they are, cheering you on to keep going.
4⃣ They help you discover other moves that you NEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE!
5⃣ They turn your boring stretch sessions into beautiful bonding time.
6⃣ If you want to try new workout, they're right there to test it out with you. 
7⃣ You never have to worry about finding a spot partner EVER AGAIN.
8⃣ Time flies when you're having fun!
9⃣ No more skipping workouts! You can't let your BFF down.
🔟 And the best of all, you get to spend quality time with your BFF.
 Connect with me if you need one!!! Find me: Jen Dodgson Delvaux.
ANd join my FREE health & fitness group for Women HERE
