So, let's get real. How many of you slip after a holiday, or a weekend, or a birthday, or WHAT-HAVE-YOU...and then, you almost completely derail and think, "I'll just get back on track on Monday?". And, getting even MORE many of you have been saying that over and over and over and over???
If it is your nutrition, or workouts, or a combo of the both - know that you don't need to get "back on track" and start from zero. Just start where you left off and start NOW. Don't wait until the weekend is over or the holidays is over - just start now. Every moment is a fresh moment and a new opportunity to regain control.
This may sound super easy and although it makes sense - DOING it is another story. Can I get an "amen"? A-M-E-N.
So, why keep continuing the habit? You know you will regret it - so stop now! I'm not saying that you can't splurge and have a cheat here or there, I'm talking about those continuous and crazy times that go beyond a splurge or a small celebration. Make sense?
Between knowing your body and what workouts work best for you as well as having the knowledge that every moment is a fresh moment --- these, my friends, are your super powers. *And this podcast gives you the tips and tricks and tools that you need to inform your self! Listen HERE!
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Your friends,